György Dragomán Becomes Member of the Berlin Academy of Arts


The Berlin Academy of Arts has expanded its art departments with thirty new members, the literary section of which is now strengthened by the writer György Dragomán.


This increased the number of members to 426.

György Dragomán was born in Târgu Mureş (Marosvásárhely), Romania. He moved to Hungary with his family in 1988. They lived in Szombathely, where he met his later wife, the poet Anna Szabó T. They have two children, Gábor and Pál.

Dargomán attended the Department of English Philosophy at Eötvös Loránd University and was a member of the József Eötvös Collegium. His first novel, The Book of Destruction, was published in 2002. This was followed in 2005 by the second novel, The White King, published at Magvető, which was published worldwide in more than thirty languages, including German, English, Norwegian, Dutch, Bulgarian, Serbian, Polish, Slovenian and Finnish. Then came the Bonfire in 2014, the Lion Choir in 2015, the Regent in 2018, and then for a year the short story entitled Ice.
Photo: György Dragomán / Facebook page of the writer

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