Hungary Submits Partnership Agreement for 2021-2027 EU Financial Cycle

Economy Europe

Hungary submitted a Partnership Agreement (PA) to the European Commission on Thursday, a pre-requisite of drawing on European Union funding in the 2021-2027 financial cycle, the Prime Minister’s Office said.


The PA defines Hungary’s strategy and investment priorities, and presents a list of national and regional operational programmes as the basis of practical implementation of the goals. Hungary’s government seeks to develop Hungary into “one of the five most liveable countries” of the EU by 2030, the document said.

EU resources with government co-funding, coming to a total of 9,000 billion forints (EUR 24.3bn), will go mainly towards boosting the economy, supporting SMEs, strengthening small localities, and R&D, the statement said. Some 65% of the resources will be used in the four least developed Hungarian regions, mainly in economic development, the statement said. The operational programme aiming to develop rural areas and localities will receive some 20% of the funding.

Priority sectors will include transport development, environment and energy development programmes including the reconstruction of public and railroad transport and the spread of renewable energy resources, the ministry said. A separate operational programme will finance the development of public education and social and health-care investments, along with the Hungarian reconstruction and resilience plan, it said.


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