Agriculture Minister Discusses Cooperation in Research and Education With US Counterpart


Agriculture Minister István Nagy has met US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, in Washington, DC, and discussed research and education cooperation, climate goals and other measures.


At the first ministerial-level meeting under President Joe Biden’s administration, Nagy and Vilsack agreed that global climate, economic and social challenges could be resolved only through joint efforts. Sustainability in agriculture could only be ensured through technological development, innovation and education, they said. Nagy told MTI after the meeting that drawing on US scientific experience could help Europe “in finding good solutions”. The most pressing issues are environmental challenges, reducing the use of fertilisers and chemicals, and improving the nutrient content of the soil, he said. Animal health issues also pose serious challenges in the sector, Nagy said, and welcomed that the US was currently testing seven vaccines against swine fever.

The minister said his talks also touched on expanding cooperation between Hungary and agriculture machine manufacturer John Deere. Hungary is interested in importing “precision technologies needed to find the right agricultural solutions,” he said. Nagy invited Vilsack to visit Hungary “to continue cooperation, along with the agricultural ministers of the Visegrad Group”. Earlier in the week, Nagy met the agriculture secretaries of the states of Maryland and Indiana.


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