Mi Hazánk Mozgalom and Momentum initiated a local referendum on the construction of the battery factory in Debrecen, and a national referendum was initiated by LMP.
The Mi Hazánk Mozgalom initiated a local referendum on the construction of the battery factory in Debrecen – István Apáti, the party’s vice-president and member of parliament, announced at a press conference in Budapest on Wednesday.
The opposition politician spoke of the fact that: “according to the needs of the population, civilians, civil servants, united with them and standing by them”, the step was taken in order to make it clear, instead of the current “controversy”, to what extent the environment and waters are being significantly damaged burdensome investment support.
The governing parties, which have obtained a two-thirds mandate for the fourth time, may encounter serious opposition from the population and voters where they probably didn’t expect it in the least – noted István Apáti, saying that Debrecen is “one of the strongest bastions” of Fidesz, where increasingly significant investments are being “moved”.
Zsuzsanna Salánkiné Kuti, the president of the electoral district of the party, said that with their initiative submitted to the local election office on Tuesday, they would ask the opinion of the people of Debrecen whether they agree that “a plant dealing with hazardous substances can be established or operate within the administrative area of Debrecen, whose carbon dioxide its output exceeds 100,000 tons per year, or its drinking water demand reaches 10,000 cubic meters per day”.